NRS 218D.615
Reprinting of legislative measure passed in one House and amended in other

  • attachment and endorsement of amendments.


When a bill or resolution which has passed in one House is amended in the other, it must immediately be reprinted as amended by the House making the amendment.


The amendment:


Must be attached to the bill or resolution so amended and endorsed “adopted”; and


If concurred in by the House in which the bill or resolution originated, must be endorsed “concurred in.”


Each endorsement must be signed by the Secretary of the Senate or Chief Clerk of the Assembly, or an authorized assistant.
Procedures After Passage

Source: Section 218D.615 — Reprinting of legislative measure passed in one House and amended in other; attachment and endorsement of amendments., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-218D.­html#NRS218DSec615.

Last Updated

Jun. 24, 2021

§ 218D.615’s source at nv​.us