NRS 218D.605
Designation of one copy of legislative measure as original

  • binding original with cover
  • transmittal to Houses
  • preservation of authenticity of original.


Upon receipt of the printed copies of each bill and resolution, the Legislative Counsel shall cause one copy to be designated as the original and bound in a cover, which copy must be delivered to the Secretary of the Senate or to the Chief Clerk of the Assembly.


The Legislative Counsel shall:


Determine an appropriate method for designating the original of each bill and resolution to ensure that the authenticity of the original is preserved; and


Notify the Secretary of the Senate, the Chief Clerk of the Assembly and the Secretary of State of the method selected.

Source: Section 218D.605 — Designation of one copy of legislative measure as original; binding original with cover; transmittal to Houses; preservation of authenticity of original., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-218D.­html#NRS218DSec605.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 218D.605’s source at nv​.us