NRS 639.241
Accusation: Form, contents and signature.


A hearing to determine whether the rights and privileges granted by any certificate, certification, license or permit issued by the Board should be revoked, suspended, limited or conditioned must be initiated by the filing of an accusation by the Board. The action must be entitled: The Nevada State Board of Pharmacy v. (insert the name of the party whose certificate, license or permit is involved), who must be designated “Respondent.”


The accusation is a written statement of the charges alleged and must set forth in ordinary and concise language the acts or omissions with which the respondent is charged to the end that the respondent will be able to prepare a defense. The accusation must specify the statutes and regulations which the respondent is alleged to have violated, but must not consist merely of charges phrased in language of the statute or regulation. The accusation must be signed by the Executive Secretary of the Board acting in his or her official capacity.

Source: Section 639.241 — Accusation: Form, contents and signature., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-639.­html#NRS639Sec241.

Last Updated

Jun. 24, 2021

§ 639.241’s source at nv​.us