NRS 598.777
Buyer’s action for recovery of damages or injunctive relief

  • attorney’s fees
  • punitive damages.

A buyer injured by a violation of NRS 598.746 to 598.772, inclusive, or by a breach by an organization of a contract subject to those sections, may bring an action for recovery of damages, for injunctive relief or for both recovery of damages and injunctive relief. Judgment for damages must be entered for actual damages, but in no case less than the amount paid by the buyer to the organization, plus reasonable attorney’s fees and costs. If the court deems it proper, the court may award punitive damages.

Source: Section 598.777 — Buyer’s action for recovery of damages or injunctive relief; attorney’s fees; punitive damages., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-598.­html#NRS598Sec777.

Last Updated

Jun. 24, 2021

§ 598.777’s source at nv​.us