NRS 598.746
Prohibited acts: Receiving money before complete performance

  • receiving money for referral to provider of credit
  • misleading statements
  • other fraudulent or deceptive acts.

An organization and its agents, employees and representatives who sell or attempt to sell the services of the organization, shall not:


Charge or receive any money or other valuable consideration before full and complete performance of the services the organization has agreed to perform for or on behalf of the buyer.


Charge or receive any money or other valuable consideration solely for referral of the buyer to a retail seller who will or may extend credit to the buyer, if the credit which is or will be extended to the buyer is upon substantially the same terms as those available to the general public.


Make, counsel or advise any buyer to make, any statement which is untrue or misleading and which is known, or which by the exercise of reasonable care should be known, to be untrue or misleading, to a consumer credit reporting agency or to any person who has extended credit to a buyer or to whom a buyer is applying for an extension of credit, with respect to a buyer’s creditworthiness, credit standing or credit capacity.


Make or use any untrue or misleading representations in the offer or sale of the services of an organization. For the purposes of this subsection, a “misleading representation” includes a guarantee that:


The organization is able to remove information that is adverse to the buyer’s ability to obtain credit from the buyer’s credit record, history or rating.


The organization is able to obtain an extension of credit for the buyer regardless of the buyer’s existing credit record, history or rating.


Engage, directly or indirectly, in any act, practice or course of business which operates or would operate as a fraud or deception upon any person in connection with the offer or sale of the services of an organization.


Remove, or assist or advise the buyer to remove from the buyer’s credit record, history or rating, information that is adverse to the buyer’s ability to obtain credit if the information is accurate and not obsolete.


Create, or assist or advise the buyer to create a new credit record, history or rating by using a different name, address, social security number, employee identification number or other misleading information.


Attempt to transfer or assign the organization’s certificate of registration.


Submit a buyer’s dispute to a consumer credit reporting agency without the buyer’s knowledge.


Call, or authorize any other person who is not the buyer to call a consumer credit reporting agency and portray himself or herself as the buyer.

Source: Section 598.746 — Prohibited acts: Receiving money before complete performance; receiving money for referral to provider of credit; misleading statements; other fraudulent or deceptive acts., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-598.­html#NRS598Sec746.

Last Updated

Jun. 24, 2021

§ 598.746’s source at nv​.us