NRS 548.4054
Annual fee on parcels in district: Election by mail in lieu of primary special or general election

  • date of election
  • mailing and marking ballots
  • appointment of electors to count votes
  • approval by voters.


In lieu of conducting the election required by NRS 548.4052 at a primary, general or special election pursuant to NRS 548.4053, the board or boards of county commissioners, as applicable, may direct that the election be conducted by mail in accordance with this section. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the provisions of NRS 548.4053 govern an election conducted pursuant to this section.


If the election is conducted by mail:


The board or boards of county commissioners, as applicable, shall establish the date by which marked mailing ballots must be mailed by voters to the county clerk or the county clerk’s designee pursuant to paragraph (c). That date is the date of the election for the purposes of subsection 3 of NRS 548.4053.


On or after the first date of publication or posting, whichever occurs first, of the notice required by subsection 3 of NRS 548.4053, but not later than 5 business days after that date, the county clerk or the county clerk’s designee shall cause to be mailed to each registered voter in the conservation district:


An official mailing ballot;


A return envelope; and


Instructions regarding the manner of marking and returning the ballot. The instructions must set forth the date established pursuant to paragraph (a) by which the ballot must be mailed by the voter to the county clerk or the county clerk’s designee.


Upon receipt of a mailing ballot, the registered voter must, in accordance with the instructions, mark and fold the ballot, deposit and seal the ballot in the return envelope, affix his or her signature on the back of the envelope and mail the envelope to the county clerk or the county clerk’s designee. The ballot shall be deemed timely mailed if the envelope is postmarked not later than 3 business days after the date established pursuant to paragraph (a) by which the ballot must be mailed.


At the close of polling, the county clerk or the county clerk’s designee shall appoint three electors who are not supervisors of the conservation district to act, without pay, as judges and tellers to open the envelopes and count the votes.


If a majority of the electors of the conservation district voting on the question at an election conducted pursuant to this section approve the imposition of the fee, the fee must be imposed beginning on July 1 of the year next following the election.

Source: Section 548.4054 — Annual fee on parcels in district: Election by mail in lieu of primary special or general election; date of election; mailing and marking ballots; appointment of electors to count votes; approval by voters., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-548.­html#NRS548Sec4054.

Last Updated

Jun. 24, 2021

§ 548.4054’s source at nv​.us