NRS 548.4052
Annual fee on parcels in district: Imposition

  • collection and deposit
  • use.


Subject to the provisions of NRS 548.4053 and 548.4054, and only after receiving the approval of a majority of the registered voters of the conservation district voting on the question at a primary, general or special election held pursuant to NRS 548.4053 or at an election conducted by mail pursuant to NRS 548.4054:


If a conservation district includes land lying in only one county, the board of county commissioners of the county shall impose, on behalf of the conservation district, an annual fee of not more than $25 on each parcel in the conservation district; and


If a conservation district includes land lying in more than one county, the boards of county commissioners of the respective counties shall impose, on behalf of the conservation district, an annual fee of not more than $25 on each parcel in the conservation district.


A fee imposed pursuant to subsection 1 must be collected as are other fees and taxes imposed by the board of county commissioners are collected. A board of county commissioners that imposes the fee shall establish a separate fund in the county treasury for the receipt and expenditure of and accounting for the proceeds of the fee.


Money collected pursuant to this section may be used only for the purposes of this chapter.

Source: Section 548.4052 — Annual fee on parcels in district: Imposition; collection and deposit; use., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-548.­html#NRS548Sec4052.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 548.4052’s source at nv​.us