NRS 488.580
Operation of personal watercraft.


A person shall not operate or authorize another person to operate a personal watercraft under his or her ownership or control:


In a reckless or negligent manner so as to endanger the life or property of another person.


Unless the operator and each passenger is wearing a personal flotation device of a type approved by the United States Coast Guard and prescribed by the regulations of the Commission.


Unless the operator is at least 14 years of age.


Unless the operator satisfies any applicable provisions of NRS 488.730.


There is prima facie evidence that a person is operating a personal watercraft in a reckless or negligent manner if that person commits two or more of the following acts simultaneously:


Operates the personal watercraft within a zone closer than 5 lengths of the longest vessel, unless both are leaving a flat wake or traveling at a speed of not more than 5 nautical miles per hour.


Operates the personal watercraft in the vicinity of a motorboat in a manner that obstructs the visibility of either operator.


Heads into the wake of a motorboat which is within a zone closer than 5 lengths of the longest vessel and causes one-half or more of the length of the personal watercraft to leave the water.


Within a zone closer than 5 lengths of the longest vessel, maneuvers quickly, turns sharply or swerves, unless the maneuver is necessary to avoid collision.


As used in this section, “personal watercraft” means a class A motorboat which:


Is less than 13 feet in length;


Is designed to be operated by a person sitting, standing or kneeling on, rather than in, the motorboat;


Is capable of performing sharp turns or quick maneuvers; and


Has a motor that exceeds 10 horsepower.

Source: Section 488.580 — Operation of personal watercraft., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-488.­html#NRS488Sec580.

Last Updated

Jun. 24, 2021

§ 488.580’s source at nv​.us