NRS 488.570
Operation of vessel towing person on water skis, surfboard, inflatable device or similar device

  • operation of vessel within 100 feet of person being towed.


A person shall not operate a vessel on any waters of this state towing a person on water skis, a surfboard, an inflatable device or any similar device unless the operator:


Is at least 16 years of age; or


Is at least 14 years of age, if a passenger in the vessel is a person who is 18 years of age or older and is in a position to supervise the operator.


A person shall not operate a vessel on any waters of this state towing a person on water skis, a surfboard, an inflatable device or any similar device unless there is in the vessel a person, in addition to the operator, who is in a position to observe the person being towed and is:


At least 14 years of age; or


At least 12 years of age, if another passenger in the vessel is a person who is 18 years of age or older.
Ê The observer shall continuously observe the person being towed and shall immediately display so as to be visible from every direction, an international orange flag of at least 12 inches in height by 12 inches in width when the person being towed is getting ready to be towed and has a rope or line extended to him or her, or ceases to be towed and is in the water awaiting pickup by the vessel.


When within 100 feet of the person in the water, every vessel, other than the vessel towing the person, must be operated at a speed that leaves a flat wake, but in no case may it be operated at a speed greater than 5 nautical miles per hour.


A person shall not operate a vessel on any waters of this state towing a person on water skis, a surfboard or similar device, or engage in waterskiing, surfboarding or similar activity from sunset to sunrise, as established by the Nautical Almanac Office, United States Naval Observatory, Washington, D.C.


The provisions of this section do not apply to a performer engaged in a professional exhibition or a person engaged in an activity authorized under NRS 488.305.

Source: Section 488.570 — Operation of vessel towing person on water skis, surfboard, inflatable device or similar device; operation of vessel within 100 feet of person being towed., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-488.­html#NRS488Sec570.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 488.570’s source at nv​.us