NRS 388A.3934
Requirements to request establishment of experimental academic program or new school model in school

  • limitations on enrollment in such program or model
  • authority to seek expansion if program or model receives high rating of performance.


The governing body of a charter school that receives one of the three highest ratings of performance pursuant to the statewide system of accountability for public schools may submit a written request for the sponsor of the charter school to authorize the establishment of an experimental academic program or new school model in the charter school. If the sponsor of the charter school approves the request, such a program or model must be established in the charter school. Enrollment in such a program or model:


Must not exceed 50 pupils during the first year in which the program or model is in operation.


Must not exceed 100 pupils during the second year in which the program or model is in operation.


Must not exceed 150 pupils during the third year in which the program or model is in operation.


Must not exceed any number prescribed by the sponsor of the charter school during the fourth year in which the program or model is in operation, or any year thereafter.


If an experimental academic program or new school model established pursuant to subsection 1 receives one of the three highest ratings of performance pursuant to the statewide system of accountability for public schools, the governing body of the charter school in which the program or model is established may:


Submit to the sponsor of the charter school a written request for an amendment of the written charter or charter contract, as applicable, to divide the charter school into multiple charter schools operating under the same governing body; or


Establish a committee to form a charter school and submit to a proposed sponsor an application to form a charter school using the experimental academic program or new school model.


If the sponsor of a charter school grants a request for an amendment of the written charter or charter contract submitted pursuant to subsection 2, the sponsor shall negotiate and execute a charter contract with the governing body of the charter school for each experimental academic program or new school model.


Before a charter school formed pursuant to this section enrolls any pupil who is eligible for enrollment pursuant to NRS 388A.453 and 388A.456, the charter school may enroll a child who was enrolled in the experimental academic program or new school model before the charter school was formed.

Source: Section 388A.3934 — Requirements to request establishment of experimental academic program or new school model in school; limitations on enrollment in such program or model; authority to seek expansion if program or model receives high rating of performance., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-388A.­html#NRS388ASec3934.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 388A.3934’s source at nv​.us