NRS 388A.3932
Expedited review of application to become qualified provider of alternative route to licensure program authorized in certain circumstances

  • request for waiver of certain requirements
  • review and approval or denial of application to become qualified provider.


A charter school that has received, within the immediately preceding 2 consecutive school years, one of the three highest ratings of performance pursuant to the statewide system of accountability for public schools may request that its sponsor submit a request to the Commission on Professional Standards in Education for an expedited review of an application to become a qualified provider of an alternative route to licensure pursuant to subparagraph (1) of paragraph (a) of subsection 1 of NRS 391.019.


A charter management organization which operates a charter school that has received, within the immediately preceding 2 consecutive school years, one of the three highest ratings of performance pursuant to the statewide system of accountability for public schools, or equivalent ratings in another state, as determined by the Department, and which intends to form a new charter school in this State may request that its proposed sponsor submit a request to the Commission on Professional Standards in Education for an expedited review of an application to become a qualified provider of an alternative route to licensure pursuant to subparagraph (1) of paragraph (a) of subsection 1 of NRS 391.019.


If a sponsor or proposed sponsor receives a request pursuant to subsection 1 or 2 and determines that the charter school or charter management organization, as applicable, is eligible to become a qualified provider, the sponsor or proposed sponsor may submit a request for an expedited review of the appropriate application to the Commission on Professional Standards in Education.


A charter school or charter management organization may include in a request made pursuant to subsection 1 or 2 a request for the Commission on Professional Standards in Education to waive any requirement which may apply to a program for an alternative route to licensure that is not prescribed by NRS 391.019. If the sponsor or proposed sponsor, as applicable, approves the request made pursuant to this subsection, the sponsor or proposed sponsor may include the request for a waiver with the request for an expedited review submitted pursuant to subsection 3.


Upon receipt of the written request of a sponsor of a charter school or a proposed sponsor of a charter management organization for an expedited review submitted pursuant to subsection 3 and an application to become a qualified provider, the Commission on Professional Standards in Education shall review the application to become a qualified provider and approve or deny the application within 45 days after receipt of the application and the written request. If the request for an expedited review includes a request for a waiver pursuant to subsection 4, the Commission on Professional Standards in Education shall waive any requirement which may apply to a program for an alternative route to licensure that is not prescribed by NRS 391.019.

Source: Section 388A.3932 — Expedited review of application to become qualified provider of alternative route to licensure program authorized in certain circumstances; request for waiver of certain requirements; review and approval or denial of application to become qualified provider., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-388A.­html#NRS388ASec3932.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 388A.3932’s source at nv​.us