NRS 388.269
Board of trustees and governing body required to establish, publish and make publicly available certain information concerning data transferred to automated system of accountability for Nevada.

The board of trustees of each school district, the governing body of a charter school and the governing body of a university school for profoundly gifted pupils shall establish, publish and make publicly available:


An index of categories of data, including, without limitation, data concerning individual pupils and aggregated data concerning pupils within a defined group transferred to the automated system of accountability information for Nevada established pursuant to NRS 385A.800; and


A list of the third-party service providers, organizations and agencies that have access to data concerning individual pupils maintained by the Department in the automated system of accountability information for Nevada established pursuant to NRS 385A.800.

Source: Section 388.269 — Board of trustees and governing body required to establish, publish and make publicly available certain information concerning data transferred to automated system of accountability for Nevada., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-388.­html#NRS388Sec269.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 388.269’s source at nv​.us