NRS 388.268
Department to establish, publish and make available on its Internet website index of data elements for automated system of accountability information for Nevada

  • biennial update.


The Department shall establish, publish and make publicly available on its Internet website:


An index of the data elements that the Department maintains or proposes to include in the automated system of accountability information for Nevada established pursuant to NRS 385A.800, including, without limitation:


Data concerning individual pupils; and


Aggregated data concerning pupils within a defined group.


An explanation of the index of data elements established pursuant to paragraph (a), which must include, without limitation:


A description of each data element concerning each individual pupil;


The reason for collecting or proposing to collect each data element concerning each individual pupil; and


The third-party service providers, organizations and agencies that have access to the data concerning individual pupils maintained by the Department in the automated system of accountability information for Nevada established pursuant to NRS 385A.800.


At least once each biennium, the Department shall update the information described in subsection 1.

Source: Section 388.268 — Department to establish, publish and make available on its Internet website index of data elements for automated system of accountability information for Nevada; biennial update., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-388.­html#NRS388Sec268.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 388.268’s source at nv​.us