NRS 318A.130
Resolution of approval

  • incorporation in ordinance
  • interested parties
  • conformance of facilities, improvements, projects, services and financial arrangements
  • material modifications
  • injunction for unreasonable departure.


The creation of a district must not be approved before the resolution of approval of the service plan. The approved service plan and the resolution of approval must be incorporated by reference in the ordinance creating the district after there has been a compliance with all other legal procedures for the formation of the proposed district.


If the service plan is approved, any interested party is entitled to appear and be heard at the hearing of the governing body held to consider the creation of the district pursuant to NRS 318A.150.


Upon final approval by a governing body for the formation of the district, the facilities, improvements, projects, services and financial arrangements of the district must conform to the approved service plan.


After the organization of a district pursuant to the provisions of this chapter material modifications of the service plan as originally approved may be made by the board of trustees of the district only by petition to and approval by the governing body that formed the district in substantially the same manner as is provided for the approval of an original service plan. Such modifications are required only with regard to changes of a basic or essential nature and are not required for changes of a mechanical type necessary only for the execution of the original service plan.


Any unreasonable departure from the service plan as originally approved, or, if the same has been modified, then from the service plan as modified, may be enjoined at any time by a district court upon motion of the governing body or any interested party.
Hearings; Ordinances

Source: Section 318A.130 — Resolution of approval; incorporation in ordinance; interested parties; conformance of facilities, improvements, projects, services and financial arrangements; material modifications; injunction for unreasonable departure., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-318A.­html#NRS318ASec130.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 318A.130’s source at nv​.us