NRS 318A.100
Public hearing

  • notice
  • delivery to planning commission.


At any regular meeting of the governing body that is considering whether to create a district, the governing body must set a date for a public hearing where the governing body will consider the service plan for the proposed district. The date for the public hearing to consider such a service plan must be not later than 30 days after the date of the regular meeting.


The governing body that is considering whether to create a district must provide written notice of the date, time and location of the public hearing on the service plan to:


The county clerk of each county in which the district is to be located;


The governing body of each county or city that has territory within the boundaries of the proposed district;


The governing body of any special district which has levied an ad valorem property tax within the next preceding tax year and has boundaries within a county in which the district is located; and


If the district was initiated by a petition submitted pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 1 of NRS 318A.070, the persons who submitted the petition.


The governing body that is considering whether to create a district must publish legal notice of the date, time, location and purpose of the public hearing on the service plan in a newspaper of general circulation within the county once each week for a period of 3 successive weeks by three publications, the first of which must be at least 20 days before the hearing date. Such publications shall constitute constructive notice to the residents and property owners within the proposed district.


If there is a county planning commission or a regional county planning commission, the service plan must be delivered to each such planning commission. Each such county planning commission or regional county planning commission must study the service plan and a representative thereof must present its recommendations to the governing body at the public hearing.


At the public hearing of the governing body to consider the service plan, all interested parties must be afforded an opportunity to be heard under such rules of procedure as may be established by the governing body. Any testimony or evidence which in the discretion of the governing body is relevant to the formation of the proposed district must be considered.

Source: Section 318A.100 — Public hearing; notice; delivery to planning commission., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-318A.­html#NRS318ASec100.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 318A.100’s source at nv​.us