NRS 278A.520
Mailing of minute order to landowner

  • status of plan after tentative approval
  • revocation of tentative approval.


A copy of the minutes must be mailed to the landowner.


Tentative approval of a plan does not qualify a plat of the planned unit development for recording or authorize development or the issuance of any building permits. A plan which has been given tentative approval as submitted, or which has been given tentative approval with conditions which have been accepted by the landowner, may not be modified, revoked or otherwise impaired by action of the city or county pending an application for final approval, without the consent of the landowner. Impairment by action of the city or county is not stayed if an application for final approval has not been filed, or in the case of development over a period of years applications for approval of the several parts have not been filed, within the time specified in the minutes granting tentative approval.


The tentative approval must be revoked and the portion of the area included in the plan for which final approval has not been given is subject to local ordinances if:


The landowner elects to abandon the plan or any part thereof, and so notifies the city or county in writing; or


The landowner fails to file application for the final approval within the required time.
Proceedings for Final Approval

Source: Section 278A.520 — Mailing of minute order to landowner; status of plan after tentative approval; revocation of tentative approval., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-278A.­html#NRS278ASec520.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 278A.520’s source at nv​.us