NRS 243.120
Portion of White Pine County detached and attached to Eureka County — 1881.

The following described territory, now a portion of White Pine County, is hereby detached from White Pine County and is hereby attached to and made a part of Eureka County: All that territory lying west of the following boundaries: Commencing at a point on the summit of the Diamond Range of mountains, where the present east boundary line of Eureka County and the west boundary line of White Pine County cross the summit; thence following the summit of the Diamond Range of mountains to the south line of Elko County, the same transferring from White Pine County to Eureka County all that portion of White Pine County west of the above-described summit of the Diamond Range of mountains.

Source: Section 243.120 — Portion of White Pine County detached and attached to Eureka County — 1881., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-243.­html#NRS243Sec120.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 243.120’s source at nv​.us