NRS 243.115
Portion of Elko County detached and attached to Eureka County

  • boundary line between Elko and Eureka Counties — 1877.

The following described territory, now a portion of Elko County, is hereby detached from Elko County, and is hereby attached to and made a part of Eureka County: All that territory embraced within the following boundaries: Commencing at a point where the Central Pacific Railroad crosses the east boundary line of Eureka County, and running thence southerly to a point where the 116th meridian crosses the east and west line between Eureka and Elko Counties; thence westerly along the east and west line to the southwest corner of Elko County; thence northerly along the present dividing line between Eureka and Elko Counties to the place of beginning; the same embracing and transferring from Elko County to Eureka County all that portion of territory commonly known as the Mineral Hill Strip, and the line surveyed by the county surveyor of Eureka County during 1875, commencing at a point where the Central Pacific Railroad crosses the east boundary line of Eureka County, and running thence southerly to a point where the 116th meridian crosses the east and west line between Eureka and Elko Counties, is hereby fixed and established as the boundary line between the Counties.

Source: Section 243.115 — Portion of Elko County detached and attached to Eureka County; boundary line between Elko and Eureka Counties — 1877., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-243.­html#NRS243Sec115.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 243.115’s source at nv​.us