NRS 233A.270
Annual state-tribal summit

  • certain employees of state agencies required to complete training to support communication and collaboration with Indian tribes
  • annual report to Nevada Indian Commission
  • periodic reports to Governor and Legislature.


At least once each year, the Governor shall meet with the leaders of Indian tribes in a state-tribal summit to address matters of mutual concern.


All heads of a state agency and state agency managers and employees who have ongoing communication with Indian tribes shall complete a training provided by the Division of Human Resource Management of the Department of Administration, in consultation with the Commission. Such training must be designed to support:


The promotion of effective communication and collaboration between state agencies and Indian tribes;


The development of positive government-to-government relations between this State and Indian tribes; and


Cultural competency in providing effective services to Indian tribes.


On or before July 1 of each year, each state agency that communicates with Indian tribes on a regular basis shall submit a report to the Commission on the activities of the state agency pursuant to NRS 233A.200 to 233A.280, inclusive. The report must include:


The name and contact information of each person in the state agency who is responsible for developing and implementing programs of the state agency that directly affect Indian tribes;


Any actions taken or planned by the state agency to carry out the policy implemented pursuant to NRS 233A.260;


A certification by the Division of Human Resource Management of the Department of Administration of the number of managers and employees of the state agency who have completed the training required pursuant to subsection 2;


A description of current and planned programs and services provided to or directly affecting Indian tribes and the amount of funding for each program; and


A description of the method the state agency established for notifying employees of the state agency of the provisions of NRS 233A.200 to 233A.280, inclusive.


The Commission shall periodically submit to the Governor and to the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau for transmittal to the Legislative Commission:


A compilation of the reports submitted pursuant to subsection 3; and


A report on the activities and any findings and recommendations of the Commission.

Source: Section 233A.270 — Annual state-tribal summit; certain employees of state agencies required to complete training to support communication and collaboration with Indian tribes; annual report to Nevada Indian Commission; periodic reports to Governor and Legislature., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-233A.­html#NRS233ASec270.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 233A.270’s source at nv​.us