NRS 233A.260
Nevada Indian Commission required to develop certain policies

  • duties of state agencies
  • publication of list of tribal leaders.


The Commission shall develop and implement a policy that:


Promotes effective communication and collaboration between a state agency and Indian tribes;


Promotes positive government-to-government relations between this State and Indian tribes;


Promotes cultural competency in providing effective services to Indian tribes; and


Establishes a method for notifying employees of a state agency of the provisions of NRS 233A.200 to 233A.280, inclusive, and the policy that the Commission develops pursuant to this section.


In the process of developing the policy pursuant to subsection 1, the Commission shall consult with representatives of Indian tribes and of state agencies.


A state agency shall make a reasonable effort to collaborate with Indian tribes in the development and implementation of policies, agreements and programs of the state agency that directly affect Indian tribes.


Each state agency that communicates with Indian tribes on a regular basis shall designate a tribal liaison who reports directly to the office of the head of the agency. The tribal liaison shall:


Assist the head of the state agency with ensuring the implementation of the policy developed pursuant to subsection 1;


Serve as a contact person who shall maintain ongoing communication between the state agency and affected Indian tribes; and


Ensure that training is provided to the staff of the state agency pursuant to subsection 2 of NRS 233A.270.
Ê Nothing in this subsection precludes a tribal liaison from providing or facilitating additional training.


If a representative of an Indian tribe, on tribal business, contacts a state agency to resolve an issue with a policy, agreement or program of the state agency that affects that Indian tribe, the tribal liaison of the state agency shall notify the head of the state agency of the issue. The head of the state agency, or his or her designee, and the tribal liaison must follow the policy developed pursuant to subsection 1 to attempt to resolve the issue in collaboration with the Indian tribe.


The Commission shall publish on its Internet website an accurate list of the names and contact information for the leaders of the Indian tribes and for the tribal liaison of each state agency that communicates with Indian tribes on a regular basis.

Source: Section 233A.260 — Nevada Indian Commission required to develop certain policies; duties of state agencies; publication of list of tribal leaders., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-233A.­html#NRS233ASec260.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 233A.260’s source at nv​.us