NRS 211.243
List of prisoners and information related to their incarceration and financial status to be provided upon request.

If a board of county commissioners or the governing body of an incorporated city so requests, the sheriff of the county, the administrator of the department of detention of an incorporated city, the person appointed to administer a city jail or the administrator of an alternative program shall provide to the board or governing body a list which contains:


The name of each prisoner currently serving a term of imprisonment in the county or city jail or detention facility, or currently assigned to an alternative program;


The length of the term of imprisonment or assignment to an alternative program of each prisoner, including the number of days served during a period of pretrial detention, if any;


The date of admission of each prisoner; and


All available information concerning the financial status of each prisoner.

Source: Section 211.243 — List of prisoners and information related to their incarceration and financial status to be provided upon request., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-211.­html#NRS211Sec243.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 211.243’s source at nv​.us