NRS 211.242
Investigation of financial status of prisoner required

  • prisoner to complete form to be used in investigation.


Before a board of county commissioners or the governing body of an incorporated city may request reimbursement from a prisoner, the board or governing body must conduct an investigation of the financial status of the prisoner.


For the purpose of determining the financial status of a prisoner, the board or governing body shall require the prisoner to complete and sign a form under penalty of perjury. The form must contain provisions for determining:


The age, sex and marital status of the prisoner;


The number and ages of the children or other dependents of the prisoner; and


The type and value of any real estate, personal property, investments, pensions, annuities, bank accounts, cash or other property of value owned or possessed by the prisoner.

Source: Section 211.242 — Investigation of financial status of prisoner required; prisoner to complete form to be used in investigation., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-211.­html#NRS211Sec242.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 211.242’s source at nv​.us