NRS 690B.310
Prohibition against confidentiality of certain information relating to settlement of claim for breach of professional duty of certain practitioners.


If an agreement settles a claim or action against a practitioner licensed pursuant to chapter 630, 631, 632 or 633 of NRS for a breach of his or her professional duty toward a patient, the following terms of the agreement must not be made confidential:


The names of the parties;


The date of the incidents or events giving rise to the claim or action;


The nature of the claim or action as set forth in the complaint and the answer that is filed with the district court; and


The effective date of the agreement.


Any provision of an agreement to settle a claim or action that conflicts with this section is void.

Source: Section 690B.310 — Prohibition against confidentiality of certain information relating to settlement of claim for breach of professional duty of certain practitioners., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-690B.­html#NRS690BSec310.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 690B.310’s source at nv​.us