NRS 690B.350
Essential medical specialties: Determination, cancellation, termination or nonrenewal of professional liability insurance.


The requirements of this section apply only if, after a hearing convened at the discretion of the Commissioner, the Commissioner determines that the market for professional liability insurance issued to any class, type or specialty of practitioner licensed pursuant to chapter 630, 631 or 633 of NRS is not competitive and that such insurance is unavailable or unaffordable for a substantial number of such practitioners.


If the Commissioner convenes a hearing pursuant to subsection 1 and issues a finding that the market for professional liability insurance issued to any class, type or specialty of practitioner licensed pursuant to chapter 630, 631 or 633 of NRS is not competitive, the Commissioner may designate that class, type or specialty of practitioner to be an essential medical specialty.


Except as otherwise provided in this section, if an insurer intends to cancel, terminate or otherwise not renew all policies of professional liability insurance that it has issued to any class, type or specialty of practitioner licensed pursuant to chapter 630, 631 or 633 of NRS, the insurer must provide 120 days’ notice of its intended action to the Commissioner and the practitioners before its intended action becomes effective.


If an insurer intends to cancel, terminate or otherwise not renew a specific policy of professional liability insurance that it has issued to a practitioner who is practicing in one or more of the essential medical specialties designated by the Commissioner:


The insurer must provide 120 days’ notice to the practitioner before its intended action becomes effective; and


The Commissioner may require the insurer to delay its intended action for a period of not more than 60 days if the Commissioner determines that a replacement policy is not readily available to the practitioner.


If an insurer intends to cancel, terminate or otherwise not renew all policies of professional liability insurance that it has issued to practitioners who are practicing in one or more of the essential medical specialties designated by the Commissioner:


The insurer must provide 120 days’ notice of its intended action to the Commissioner and the practitioners before its intended action becomes effective; and


The Commissioner may require the insurer to delay its intended action for a period of not more than 60 days if the Commissioner determines that replacement policies are not readily available to the practitioners.


The Commissioner may adopt any regulations that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.

Source: Section 690B.350 — Essential medical specialties: Determination, cancellation, termination or nonrenewal of professional liability insurance., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-690B.­html#NRS690BSec350.

Last Updated

Jun. 24, 2021

§ 690B.350’s source at nv​.us