NRS 690B.250
Practitioners of the healing arts: Reports to licensing boards

  • availability for public inspection.

Except as more is required in NRS 630.3067 and 633.526:


Each insurer which issues a policy of insurance covering the liability of a practitioner licensed pursuant to chapters 630 to 640, inclusive, of NRS for a breach of his or her professional duty toward a patient shall report to the board which licensed the practitioner within 45 days each settlement or award made or judgment rendered by reason of a claim, if the settlement, award or judgment is for more than $5,000, giving the name of the claimant and the practitioner and the circumstances of the case.


A practitioner licensed pursuant to chapters 630 to 640, inclusive, of NRS who does not have insurance covering liability for a breach of his or her professional duty toward a patient shall report to the board which issued the practitioner’s license within 45 days of each settlement or award made or judgment rendered by reason of a claim, if the settlement, award or judgment is for more than $5,000, giving the practitioner’s name, the name of the claimant and the circumstances of the case.


These reports are public records and must be made available for public inspection within a reasonable time after they are received by the licensing board.

Source: Section 690B.250 — Practitioners of the healing arts: Reports to licensing boards; availability for public inspection., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-690B.­html#NRS690BSec250.

Last Updated

Jun. 24, 2021

§ 690B.250’s source at nv​.us