NRS 681B.210
Insurer to submit annual opinion as to computation of reserves and related actuarial items

  • applicability.


Every insurer doing business in this state shall annually submit the opinion of a qualified actuary as to whether the reserves and related actuarial items held in support of the policies and contracts specified by the Commissioner by regulation are computed appropriately, are based on assumptions which satisfy contractual provisions, are consistent with prior reported amounts, and comply with applicable laws of this state. The Commissioner by regulation may further define or enlarge the scope of this opinion.


Except as otherwise provided in NRS 681B.310, the provisions of this section apply only before the operative date of the Valuation Manual.

Source: Section 681B.210 — Insurer to submit annual opinion as to computation of reserves and related actuarial items; applicability., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-681B.­html#NRS681BSec210.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 681B.210’s source at nv​.us