NRS 641A.285
Inactive license

  • regulations.


Upon written request to the Board and payment of the fee for the placement of a license on inactive status prescribed by the Board, a marriage and family therapist or clinical professional counselor in good standing may have his or her name and license transferred to an inactive list for a period not to exceed 3 continuous years. A marriage and family therapist or clinical professional counselor shall not practice marriage and family therapy or clinical professional counseling, as applicable, during the time the license is inactive. If an inactive marriage and family therapist or clinical professional counselor desires to resume the practice of marriage and family therapy or clinical professional counseling, as applicable, the Board must reactivate the license upon the:


Completion of an application for reactivation;


Payment of the fee for the biennial renewal of the license; and


Demonstration, if deemed necessary by the Board, that the marriage and family therapist or clinical professional counselor is then qualified and competent to practice.
Ê Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, the marriage and family therapist or clinical professional counselor is not required to pay the fee for the biennial renewal of a license or the fee for the late payment of the biennial renewal for any year while the license was inactive.


Any license to practice as a marriage and family therapist or clinical professional counselor that remains inactive for a period which exceeds 3 continuous years is deemed:


To effect a revocation for the purposes of NRS 641A.270.


To have lapsed at the beginning of that period for the purposes of NRS 641A.280.


The Board may adopt such regulations as it deems necessary to carry out the provisions of this section, including without limitation, regulations governing the renewal of such inactive licenses, the imposition of a fee for the renewal of an inactive license and any requirement of continuing education for inactive marriage and family therapists or clinical professional counselors.

Source: Section 641A.285 — Inactive license; regulations., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-641A.­html#NRS641ASec285.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 641A.285’s source at nv​.us