NRS 633.473
Training relating to persons with substance use and other addictive disorders and prescribing of opioids

  • regulations.

The Board shall, by regulation, require each osteopathic physician or physician assistant who is registered to dispense controlled substances pursuant to NRS 453.231 to complete at least 2 hours of training relating specifically to persons with substance use and other addictive disorders and the prescribing of opioids during each period of licensure. Any licensee may use such training to satisfy 2 hours of any continuing education requirement established by the Board.

Source: Section 633.473 — Training relating to persons with substance use and other addictive disorders and prescribing of opioids; regulations., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-633.­html#NRS633Sec473.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 633.473’s source at nv​.us