NRS 441A.370
Contracts with hospitals, clinics and other institutions for examination and care of patients.


The health authority shall, by contract with hospitals, clinics or other institutions in the State, provide for:


The diagnostic examination, including, without limitation, laboratory testing of persons who have tuberculosis; and


Inpatient and outpatient care for persons who have tuberculosis.


If adequate facilities for examination and care are not available in the State, the health authority may contract with hospitals, clinics or other institutions in other states which do have adequate facilities.

Source: Section 441A.370 — Contracts with hospitals, clinics and other institutions for examination and care of patients., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-441A.­html#NRS441ASec370.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 441A.370’s source at nv​.us