NRS 433C.210
Agreement for joint program: Provisions.


Any agreement between two or more counties for the establishment of joint county programs shall provide:


That each county shall bear its share of the cost of the joint county program in proportion to the population of each county served.


That the county treasurer of one participating county shall be the custodian of moneys made available for the purposes of such joint program and that the county treasurer may make payments from such moneys upon warrant of the appropriate officer or body of the county for which he or she is county treasurer.


Any such agreement may also provide:


For the joint provision and operation of services and facilities or for the provision and operation of services and facilities by one participating county under contract for the other participating counties.


For appointments of members of the board for the joint program by the several participating counties.


That for specified purposes officers and employees of such joint county programs shall be considered to be officers and employees of one participating county only.


For such other matters as are necessary or proper to effectuate the purposes of this chapter.

Source: Section 433C.210 — Agreement for joint program: Provisions., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-433C.­html#NRS433CSec210.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 433C.210’s source at nv​.us