NRS 433.314


The Commission shall:


Establish policies to ensure adequate development and administration of services for persons with mental illness, persons with intellectual disabilities, persons with developmental disabilities, persons with substance use disorders or persons with co-occurring disorders, including services to prevent mental illness, intellectual disabilities, developmental disabilities, substance use disorders and co-occurring disorders, and services provided without admission to a facility or institution;


Set policies for the care and treatment of persons with mental illness, persons with intellectual disabilities, persons with developmental disabilities, persons with substance use disorders or persons with co-occurring disorders provided by all state agencies;


Review the programs and finances of the Division;


Report at the beginning of each year to the Governor and at the beginning of each odd-numbered year to the Legislature:


Information concerning the quality of the care and treatment provided for persons with mental illness, persons with intellectual disabilities, persons with developmental disabilities, persons with substance use disorders or persons with co-occurring disorders in this State and on any progress made toward improving the quality of that care and treatment; and


In coordination with the Department, any recommendations from the regional behavioral health policy boards created pursuant to NRS 433.429. The report must include, without limitation:
(I) The epidemiologic profiles of substance use disorders, addictive disorders related to gambling and suicide;
(II) Relevant behavioral health prevalence data for each behavioral health region created by NRS 433.428; and
(III) The health priorities set for each behavioral health region;


Hear appeals, conduct investigations and issue orders pursuant to NRS 641.325, 641A.289, 641B.460 and 641C.800; and


Review and make recommendations concerning regulations submitted to the Commission for review pursuant to NRS 641.100, 641A.160, 641B.160 and 641C.200.


The Commission may employ an administrative assistant and a data analyst to assist the regional behavioral health policy boards created by NRS 433.429 in carrying out their duties.
Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 433.314’s source at nv​.us