NRS 432B.217
Application by agency which provides child welfare services for incentive payment in subsequent years

  • approval of application
  • amount of subsequent incentive payment.


Each year following the award of an incentive payment pursuant to NRS 432B.2165, the agency which provides child welfare services may submit an application on or before May 1 for an incentive payment to be awarded for the next fiscal year beginning on July 1 following approval of the application.


The agency which provides child welfare services shall submit the application in the manner set forth in NRS 432B.2165 and must, in addition to the information required pursuant to NRS 432B.2165, include an estimate of the percentage of the goals established in the prior application that will be achieved by the agency which provides child welfare services by June 30.


If the Division of Child and Family Services approves the application, the Division shall, to the extent that money has been made available for that purpose, award an incentive payment to the agency which provides child welfare services for the fiscal year beginning on July 1 of the year in which the application is submitted in an amount not to exceed a percentage of the amount awarded for the current fiscal year as determined pursuant to subsection 4.


The amount of an incentive payment that may be awarded for the next fiscal year pursuant to this section must be determined by multiplying the amount awarded for the current fiscal year by the percentage point of completion of the goal established for the current fiscal year, up to a maximum of 100 percent of the amount of the incentive payment awarded for the current fiscal year.

Source: Section 432B.217 — Application by agency which provides child welfare services for incentive payment in subsequent years; approval of application; amount of subsequent incentive payment., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-432B.­html#NRS432BSec217.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 432B.217’s source at nv​.us