NRS 432.335
Account for the Statewide Alert System for the Safe Return of Abducted Children created

  • Committee to administer Account.


The Account for the Statewide Alert System for the Safe Return of Abducted Children is hereby created in the State General Fund.


The interest and income earned on the money in the Account, after deducting any applicable charges, must be credited to the Account.


The money in the Account must only be used to carry out the provisions of NRS 432.300 to 432.380, inclusive, and is hereby authorized for expenditure as a continuing appropriation for this purpose.


The Committee shall administer the Account, and claims against the Account must be paid as other claims against the State are paid.


Any money remaining in the Account at the end of a fiscal year does not revert to the State General Fund, and the balance in the Account must be carried forward to the next fiscal year.

Source: Section 432.335 — Account for the Statewide Alert System for the Safe Return of Abducted Children created; Committee to administer Account., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-432.­html#NRS432Sec335.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 432.335’s source at nv​.us