NRS 399.015
Governor to execute Compact
- text of Compact.
Establish and maintain close cooperation and understanding among executive, legislative and professional and nonprofessional educational leadership on a national basis at the state and local levels.2.
Provide a forum for the discussion, development and recommendation of alternatives for public policy in the field of education.3.
Provide a clearinghouse of information on matters relating to educational problems and how they are being met in different places throughout the nation, so that the executive and legislative branches of state government and of local communities may have ready access to the experience and record of the entire country, and so that both nonprofessional and professional groups in the field of education may have additional ways to share experiences and exchange ideas while forming public policy for education.4.
Facilitate the improvement of state and local educational systems so that all of them will be able to meet adequate and desirable goals in a society which requires continuous qualitative and quantitative advance in educational opportunities, methods and facilities.1.
The governor;2.
Two senators appointed by the majority leader of the senate;3.
Two members of the assembly appointed by the speaker of the assembly; and4.
Two persons appointed by the governor.1.
Approve budgets or requests for appropriations;2.
Make recommendations of policy pursuant to Article IV; or3.
Adopt the annual report.1.
Collect, correlate, analyze and interpret information and data concerning educational needs and resources.2.
Encourage and foster research in all respects of education, but with special reference to the desirable scope of instruction, organization, administration and instructional methods and standards employed or suitable for employment in public educational systems.3.
Develop proposals for adequate financing of education as a whole and at each of its many levels.4.
Conduct or participate in research in any instance where it finds that the research is necessary for the advancement of the purposes and policies of this compact, utilizing fully the resources of national associations, regional organizations for higher education and other agencies and institutions, both public and private.5.
Formulate suggested policies and plans for the improvement of public education as a whole, or for any segment thereof, and make recommendations with respect thereto available to the appropriate governmental units, agencies and public officers.6.
Do such other things as may be necessary or incidental to the administration of any of its authority or functions pursuant to this compact.
Section 399.015 — Governor to execute Compact; text of Compact.,