NRS 396.770
Acceptance of federal money.

The Legislature of Nevada hereby gratefully assents to the purposes of all grants of money made heretofore and all which may hereafter be made to the State of Nevada by Congress, under the Act of Congress entitled “An Act to establish agricultural experiment stations in connection with the colleges established in the several states under the provisions of an act approved July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and of the acts supplementary thereto,” approved March 2, 1887 (c. 314, 24 Stat. 440), and agrees that the same shall be used only for the purposes named in the Act of Congress or acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto.

Source: Section 396.770 — Acceptance of federal money., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-396.­html#NRS396Sec770.

Last Updated

Jun. 24, 2021

§ 396.770’s source at nv​.us