NRS 391A.580
Eligibility to apply for grant from Account to be used to award scholarships to students

  • State Board to review applications and award grants
  • retention of certain percentage of grant money by State Board
  • eligibility of students to apply for scholarship
  • regulations.


A public or private university, college or other provider of an alternative licensure program in this State is eligible to apply to the State Board for a grant from the Account to award scholarships to students who attend the university, college or other provider of an alternative licensure program to complete a program offered by the university, college or other provider of an alternative licensure program that has been approved by the State Board and which:


Upon completion makes a student eligible to obtain a license to teach kindergarten, any grade from grades 1 through 12 or in the subject area of special education in this State; or


Allows a student to specialize in the subject area of early childhood education.


The State Board shall:


Establish the number of Teach Nevada Scholarships that will be available each year based upon the amount of money available in the Account.


Review all applications submitted pursuant to subsection 1 and award a grant of money from the Account to an approved university, college or other provider of an alternative licensure program to the extent that money is available in an amount determined by the State Board. The State Board shall retain 25 percent of such an award in the Account for disbursement to a scholarship recipient who meets the requirements of subsection 4 of NRS 391A.585.


The State Board may prioritize the award of grants from the Account to a university, college or other provider of an alternative licensure program that demonstrates the university, college or other provider of an alternative licensure program will provide scholarships to a greater number of recipients who:


Are veterans or the spouses of veterans;


Intend to teach in public schools in this State which have the highest shortage of teachers;


Have been economically disadvantaged or belong to a racial or ethnic minority group; or


Will be eligible to teach in a subject area for which there is a shortage of teachers. Such a subject area may include, without limitation, science, technology, engineering, mathematics, special education or English as a second language.


A student may apply for a Teach Nevada Scholarship from a university, college or other provider of an alternative licensure program that receives a grant from the Account only if:


The student attends or has been accepted to attend the university, college or other provider of an alternative licensure program to complete a program described in subsection 1; and


The student agrees to complete the requirements to obtain an endorsement to teach English as a second language or an endorsement to teach special education.


An application submitted by the student must identify the program to be completed and the date by which the student must complete the program to finish on schedule.


The State Board may adopt any regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of NRS 391A.550 to 391A.590, inclusive.

Source: Section 391A.580 — Eligibility to apply for grant from Account to be used to award scholarships to students; State Board to review applications and award grants; retention of certain percentage of grant money by State Board; eligibility of students to apply for scholarship; regulations., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-391A.­html#NRS391ASec580.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 391A.580’s source at nv​.us