NRS 391A.180
Establishment of evaluation system for teachers and other personnel participating in regional training program.


The governing body of each regional training program shall establish an evaluation system for the teachers and other licensed educational personnel who participate in the program. The evaluation system must include:


Specific measures of the success of each teacher and other licensed person who participates in the training provided by the program; and


Recommendations for follow-up for the teacher or other licensed person to strengthen his or her skills in the classroom or otherwise in his or her position of employment with the school district or charter school.


Each evaluation must be provided in written form to the person who is evaluated and the principal of the school at which the person is employed, if applicable, or, if the person is not supervised by a school principal, his or her direct supervisor.

Source: Section 391A.180 — Establishment of evaluation system for teachers and other personnel participating in regional training program., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-391A.­html#NRS391ASec180.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 391A.180’s source at nv​.us