NRS 391A.125
Provision of training to teachers, other licensed educational personnel and administrators

  • maintenance and distribution of training list
  • authority of regional training program to contract with board of trustees to provide additional training
  • training for paraprofessionals authorized.


Based upon the priorities of programs prescribed by the State Board pursuant to subsection 4 of NRS 391A.505 and the assessment of needs for training within the region and priorities of training adopted by the governing body pursuant to NRS 391A.175, each regional training program shall provide:


Training for teachers and other licensed educational personnel in the:


Standards established by the Council to Establish Academic Standards for Public Schools pursuant to NRS 389.520;


Curriculum and instruction required for the standards adopted by the State Board;


Curriculum and instruction recommended by the Teachers and Leaders Council of Nevada; and


Culturally relevant pedagogy, taking into account cultural diversity and demographic differences throughout this State.


Through the Nevada Early Literacy Intervention Program established for the regional training program, training for teachers who teach kindergarten and grades 1, 2 or 3 on methods to teach fundamental reading skills, including, without limitation:


Phonemic awareness;








Comprehension; and




Training for administrators who conduct the evaluations required pursuant to NRS 391.685, 391.690, 391.705 and 391.710 relating to the manner in which such evaluations are conducted. Such training must be developed in consultation with the Teachers and Leaders Council of Nevada created by NRS 391.455.


Training for teachers, administrators and other licensed educational personnel relating to correcting deficiencies and addressing recommendations for improvement in performance that are identified in the evaluations conducted pursuant to NRS 391.685, 391.690, 391.705 or 391.710.


Training for teachers on methods to teach computer literacy or computer science to pupils.


At least one of the following types of training:


Training for teachers and school administrators in the assessment and measurement of pupil achievement and the effective methods to analyze the test results and scores of pupils to improve the achievement and proficiency of pupils.


Training for teachers in specific content areas to enable the teachers to provide a higher level of instruction in their respective fields of teaching. Such training must include instruction in effective methods to teach in a content area provided by teachers who are considered masters in that content area.


In addition to the training provided pursuant to paragraph (b), training for teachers in the methods to teach basic skills to pupils, such as providing instruction in reading with the use of phonics and providing instruction in basic skills of mathematics computation.


In accordance with the program established by the Statewide Council pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 2 of NRS 391A.135 training for:


Teachers on how to engage parents and families, including, without limitation, disengaged families, in the education of their children and to build the capacity of parents and families to support the learning and academic achievement of their children.


Training for teachers and paraprofessionals on working with parent liaisons in public schools to carry out strategies and practices for effective parental involvement and family engagement.


Training and continuing professional development for teachers who receive an endorsement to teach courses relating to financial literacy pursuant to NRS 391.019 and 396.5199.


The training required pursuant to subsection 1 must:


Include the activities set forth in 20 U.S.C. § 7801(42), as deemed appropriate by the governing body for the type of training offered.


Include appropriate procedures to ensure follow-up training for teachers and administrators who have received training through the program.


Incorporate training that addresses the educational needs of:


Pupils with disabilities who participate in programs of special education; and


Pupils who are English learners.


The governing body of each regional training program shall prepare and maintain a list that identifies programs for the professional development of teachers and administrators that successfully incorporate:


The standards of content and performance established by the Council to Establish Academic Standards for Public Schools pursuant to NRS 389.520;


Fundamental reading skills; and


Other training listed in subsection 1.
Ê The governing body shall provide a copy of the list on an annual basis to school districts for dissemination to teachers and administrators.


A regional training program may include model classrooms that demonstrate the use of educational technology for teaching and learning.


A regional training program may contract with the board of trustees of a school district that is served by the regional training program as set forth in NRS 391A.120 to provide professional development to the teachers and administrators employed by the school district that is in addition to the training required by this section. Any training provided pursuant to this subsection must include the activities set forth in 20 U.S.C. § 7801(42), as deemed appropriate by the governing body for the type of training offered.


To the extent money is available from legislative appropriation or otherwise, a regional training program may provide training to paraprofessionals.


To the extent that money is available, the Department shall administer the training required pursuant to paragraph (h) of subsection 1.


As used in this section, “paraprofessional” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 391.008.

Source: Section 391A.125 — Provision of training to teachers, other licensed educational personnel and administrators; maintenance and distribution of training list; authority of regional training program to contract with board of trustees to provide additional training; training for paraprofessionals authorized., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-391A.­html#NRS391ASec125.

Last Updated

Jun. 24, 2021

§ 391A.125’s source at nv​.us