NRS 391.042
Department required to maintain directory of licensed educational personnel, provide school districts with electronic list of licenses that will expire and notify licensee of date of expiration.


The Department shall:


Maintain a directory of the name of each person who holds a license issued pursuant to this chapter and the date on which his or her license expires;


Make the directory readily available to licensed educational personnel and to the general public on the Internet website maintained by the Department; and


Provide to the board of trustees of a school district, upon the request of the board of trustees or upon the request of the human resources office of a school or school district acting on behalf of the board of trustees, an electronic file with a list of each licensed employee who is employed by the board of trustees and whose license will expire within the 9 months immediately following that calendar month.


The Department shall notify in writing each person who holds a license pursuant to this chapter whose license is within 9 months of expiring of the date on which his or her license will expire.

Source: Section 391.042 — Department required to maintain directory of licensed educational personnel, provide school districts with electronic list of licenses that will expire and notify licensee of date of expiration., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-391.­html#NRS391Sec042.

Kinds of licenses.
Provisional licenses
Issuance of licenses
Additional requirements for issuance and renewal of license: Statement regarding obligation of child support
Confidentiality of application
Regulations of Commission providing for expedited licensure of spouse of member of Armed Forces on active duty.
Regulations by Commission for approval of training offered by educational institutions to qualify person to be a teacher or administrator
Review, evaluation and approval of course of study and training required for licensure of educational personnel
Annual evaluation by State Board concerning courses of study and training approved by Commission for licensure as teacher or administrator
Fees for issuance and renewal of licenses
Department required to maintain directory of licensed educational personnel, provide school districts with electronic list of licenses that will expire and notify licensee of date of expiration.
Directory of licensed personnel to be filed with clerk of board of trustees.
License is revocable privilege.
Issuance of additional license to teach outside grade level of experience
Additional requirements for renewal of license: Information regarding whether applicant has state business license
Additional requirements for renewal of license of certain teachers: Proof of completion of course in multicultural education
Prohibition on denial of licensure based on immigration or citizenship status
Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 391.042’s source at nv​.us