NRS 388A.450
School that is accepting applications, expanding enrollment or opening a new facility to provide notice about enrollment process to households located within certain distance from school

  • language used in notice
  • alternative plan to inform households for certain smaller schools
  • revision of timeline for notice.


Except as otherwise provided in this section, at least 45 days before a new charter school for which a contract has been executed pursuant to NRS 388A.270 begins accepting applications for enrollment pursuant to NRS 388A.453 or at least 45 days before a charter school that is expanding enrollment by at least 10 percent or opening a new facility begins accepting applications for enrollment pursuant to NRS 388A.453, the governing body of the charter school shall make a reasonable effort to notify each household located within 2 miles from the charter school regarding:


When the charter school will begin accepting applications for enrollment;


How to apply for enrollment; and


The process for enrollment of pupils.


If notifying each household within 2 miles from a charter school does not provide a sufficient population density, the governing body of the charter school and the sponsor of the charter school may agree to notify households that are located more than 2 miles from the charter school.


To the extent practicable, the notice provided pursuant to subsections 1 and 2 must be provided in the languages primarily spoken in the households to which such notice is provided.


A charter school that is not authorized to enroll more than 250 pupils for all facilities that the charter school operates is not required to comply with the provisions of subsection 1. If the charter school does not comply with these provisions, the charter school must develop an alternative plan to inform households located in the area served by the charter school that it is accepting applications for enrollment.


If the governing body of a charter school has not acquired a facility to operate the charter school at least 45 days before the date on which the charter school begins accepting applications for enrollment pursuant to NRS 388A.453, the sponsor of the charter school may identify a location reasonably believed to be close to where the facility will be located and provide the notification required pursuant to subsection 1 to each household located within 2 miles from this location.


The sponsor of a charter school may require the charter school to provide documentation of any effort to inform households located in the area served by the charter school that the charter school is accepting applications for enrollment, expanding enrollment or opening a new facility.


The sponsor of a charter school may revise the timeline for notification prescribed in subsection 1 for good cause.

Source: Section 388A.450 — School that is accepting applications, expanding enrollment or opening a new facility to provide notice about enrollment process to households located within certain distance from school; language used in notice; alternative plan to inform households for certain smaller schools; revision of timeline for notice., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-388A.­html#NRS388ASec450.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 388A.450’s source at nv​.us