NRS 388.295
School service provider authorized to use and disclose certain aggregated information to develop, improve or demonstrate effectiveness of products or services.

A school service provider may use and disclose information derived from personally identifiable information concerning a pupil to demonstrate the effectiveness of the products or services of the school service provider, including, without limitation, for use in advertising or marketing regarding the school service so long as the information is aggregated or is presented in a manner which does not disclose the identity of the pupil about whom the information relates.

Source: Section 388.295 — School service provider authorized to use and disclose certain aggregated information to develop, improve or demonstrate effectiveness of products or services., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-388.­html#NRS388Sec295.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 388.295’s source at nv​.us