NRS 388.14553
Appointment of team to receive notification of certain activity or events

  • certain information regarding SafeVoice Program to appear on identification cards of pupils and be posted conspicuously
  • member of team to take appropriate action upon receipt of notification.


The board of trustees of a school district or the governing body of a charter school shall:


Appoint a team of at least three members of the staff of each public school, other than a charter school, that is located in the school district or of the charter school, as applicable, including, without limitation, a school counselor, psychologist, social worker or a similar person, if the school employs such a person on a full-time basis, and a school administrator. The team must receive notification if the support center receives a report of any dangerous, violent or unlawful activity which is being conducted, or is threatened to be conducted, on the property of the school, at an activity sponsored by the school, on a school bus of the school or by a pupil enrolled at the school.


Ensure that information concerning the Program, including, without limitation, the telephone number for the hotline established pursuant to NRS 388.1455:


Appears on the back of any identification card issued to pupils and staff at the school; and


Is posted in conspicuous locations around the school, which may include, without limitation, the front office, the cafeteria or a school bus.


Upon receiving notification from the support center of dangerous, violent or unlawful activity which is being conducted, or is threatened to be conducted, on the property of a public school, at an activity sponsored by a public school, on a school bus of a public school or by a pupil enrolled at a public school, a member of the appropriate team appointed pursuant to paragraph (a) of subsection 1 shall take appropriate action in accordance with the training he or she has received pursuant to NRS 388.1455 to respond to the activity or threat.


The team appointed pursuant to paragraph (a) of subsection 1 may:


Include a person appointed by the public school pursuant to NRS 388.247 to a committee to review the plan developed for the school pursuant to NRS 388.243.


Allow another person to temporarily serve on the team if a member of the team is unavailable.

Source: Section 388.14553 — Appointment of team to receive notification of certain activity or events; certain information regarding SafeVoice Program to appear on identification cards of pupils and be posted conspicuously; member of team to take appropriate action upon receipt of notification., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-388.­html#NRS388Sec14553.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 388.14553’s source at nv​.us