NRS 388.1351
Staff member required to report violation to administrator

  • required actions and investigation
  • notification to parent or guardian
  • written report of findings and conclusions of investigation
  • follow-up with victim
  • list of resources to be provided to parent or guardian
  • appeal of disciplinary action
  • reassignment of pupil who is victim of bullying or cyber-bullying
  • reports.


Except as otherwise provided in NRS 388.13535, a teacher, administrator, coach or other staff member who witnesses a violation of NRS 388.135 or receives information that a violation of NRS 388.135 has occurred shall report the violation to the administrator or his or her designee as soon as practicable, but not later than a time during the same day on which the teacher, administrator, coach or other staff member witnessed the violation or received information regarding the occurrence of a violation.


Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, upon receiving a report required by subsection 1, the administrator or designee shall immediately take any necessary action to stop the bullying or cyber-bullying and ensure the safety and well-being of the reported victim or victims of the bullying or cyber-bullying and shall begin an investigation into the report. If the administrator or designee does not have access to the reported victim of the alleged violation of NRS 388.135, the administrator or designee may wait until the next school day when he or she has such access to take the action required by this subsection.


The investigation conducted pursuant to subsection 2 must include, without limitation:


Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, notification provided by telephone, electronic mail or other electronic means or provided in person, of the parents or guardians of all pupils directly involved in the reported bullying or cyber-bullying, as applicable, either as a reported aggressor or a reported victim of the bullying or cyber-bullying. The notification must be provided:


If the bullying or cyber-bullying is reported before the end of school hours on a school day, before the school’s administrative office closes on the day on which the bullying or cyber-bullying is reported; or


If the bullying or cyber-bullying was reported on a day that is not a school day, or after school hours on a school day, before the school’s administrative office closes on the school day following the day on which the bullying or cyber-bullying is reported.


Interviews with all pupils whose parents or guardians must be notified pursuant to paragraph (a) and with all such parents and guardians.


If the contact information for the parent or guardian of a pupil in the records of the school is not correct, a good faith effort to notify the parent or guardian shall be deemed sufficient to meet the requirement for notification pursuant to paragraph (a) of subsection 3.


Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, an investigation required by this section must be completed not later than 2 school days after the administrator or designee receives a report required by subsection 1. If extenuating circumstances prevent the administrator or designee from completing the investigation required by this section within 2 school days after making a good faith effort, 1 additional school day may be used to complete the investigation. The time for completing an investigation into a report of cyber-bullying may also be extended to not more than 5 school days after the report is received with the consent of each reported victim of the cyber-bullying or, if a reported victim is under 18 years of age and is not emancipated, the parent or guardian of the reported victim.


An administrator or designee who conducts an investigation required by this section shall complete a written report of the findings and conclusions of the investigation. If a violation is found to have occurred:


The report must include recommendations concerning the imposition of disciplinary action or other measures to be imposed as a result of the violation, in accordance with the policy governing disciplinary action adopted by the governing body. Subject to the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g, and any regulations adopted pursuant thereto, the report must be made available, not later than 24 hours after the completion of the written report, to all parents or guardians who must be notified pursuant to paragraph (a) of subsection 3 as part of the investigation; and


Any action taken after the completion of the investigation to address the bullying or cyber-bullying must be carried out in a manner that causes the least possible disruption for the victim or victims. When necessary, the administrator or his or her designee shall give priority to ensuring the safety and well-being of the victim or victims over any interest of the perpetrator or perpetrators when determining the actions to take.


If a violation is found not to have occurred, information concerning the incident must not be included in the record of the reported aggressor.


Not later than 10 school days after receiving a report required by subsection 1, the administrator or designee shall meet with each reported victim of the bullying or cyber-bullying to inquire about the well-being of the reported victim and to ensure that the reported bullying or cyber-bullying, as applicable, is not continuing.


To the extent that information is available, the administrator or his or her designee shall provide a list of any resources that may be available in the community to assist a pupil to each parent or guardian of a pupil to whom notice was provided pursuant to this section as soon as practicable. Such a list may include, without limitation, resources available at no charge or at a reduced cost and may be provided in person or by electronic or regular mail. If such a list is provided, the administrator, his or her designee, or any employee of the school or the school district is not responsible for providing such resources to the pupil or ensuring the pupil receives such resources.


The parent or guardian of a pupil involved in the reported violation of NRS 388.135 may appeal a disciplinary decision of the administrator or his or her designee, made against the pupil as a result of the violation, in accordance with the policy governing disciplinary action adopted by the governing body. Not later than 30 days after receiving a response provided in accordance with such a policy, the parent or guardian may submit a complaint to the Department. The Department shall consider and respond to the complaint pursuant to procedures and standards prescribed in regulations adopted by the Department.


If a violation of NRS 388.135 is found to have occurred, the parent or guardian of a pupil who is a victim of bullying or cyber-bullying may request that the board of trustees of the school district in which the pupil is enrolled to assign the pupil to a different school in the school district. Upon receiving such a request, the board of trustees shall, in consultation with the parent or guardian of the pupil, assign the pupil to a different school.


A principal or his or her designee shall submit a monthly report to the direct supervisor of the principal that includes for the school the number of:


Reports received pursuant to subsection 1;


Times in which a violation of NRS 388.135 is found to have occurred; and


Times in which no violation of NRS 388.135 is found to have occurred.


A direct supervisor who receives a monthly report pursuant to subsection 12 shall, each calendar quarter, submit a report to the Office for a Safe and Respectful Learning Environment that includes, for the schools for which the direct supervisor has received a monthly report in the calendar quarter, the:


Total number of reports received pursuant to subsection 1;


Number of times in which a violation of NRS 388.135 is found to have occurred; and


Number of times in which no violation of NRS 388.135 is found to have occurred.


School hours and school days are determined for the purposes of this section by the schedule established by the governing body for the school.


The provisions of this section must not be construed to place any limit on the time within which an investigation concerning any alleged act that constitutes sexual assault must be completed.

Source: Section 388.1351 — Staff member required to report violation to administrator; required actions and investigation; notification to parent or guardian; written report of findings and conclusions of investigation; follow-up with victim; list of resources to be provided to parent or guardian; appeal of disciplinary action; reassignment of pupil who is victim of bullying or cyber-bullying; reports., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-388.­html#NRS388Sec1351.

Last Updated

Jun. 24, 2021

§ 388.1351’s source at nv​.us