NRS 387.122
Establishment of basic support guarantees

  • use, review and revision of equity allocation model to calculate basic support guarantee
  • Department to make updated information regarding equity allocation model available on Internet website.


For making the apportionments of the State Distributive School Account in the State General Fund required by the provisions of this title, the basic support guarantee per pupil for each school district is established by law for each school year. The formula for calculating the basic support guarantee may be expressed as an estimated weighted average per pupil, based on the total expenditures for public education in the immediately preceding even-numbered fiscal year, plus any legislative appropriations for the immediately succeeding biennium, minus those local funds not guaranteed by the State pursuant to NRS 387.163.


The estimated weighted average per pupil for the State must be calculated as a basic support guarantee for each school district through an equity allocation model that incorporates:


Factors relating to wealth in the school district;


Salary costs;


Transportation; and


Any other factor determined by the Superintendent of Public Instruction after consultation with the school districts and the State Public Charter School Authority.


The basic support guarantee per pupil must include a statewide multiplier for pupils with disabilities. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the funding provided to each school district and charter school through the multiplier for pupils with disabilities is limited to the actual number of pupils with disabilities enrolled in the school district or charter school, not to exceed 13 percent of total pupil enrollment for the school district or charter school.


Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, if a school district or charter school has reported an enrollment of pupils with disabilities equal to more than 13 percent of total pupil enrollment, the school district or charter school must receive, for each such additional pupil, an amount of money equal to one-half of the statewide multiplier then in effect for pupils with disabilities. An apportionment made to a school district or charter school pursuant to this subsection is subject to change from year to year in accordance with the number of pupils with disabilities enrolled in the school district or charter school. If the money available for apportionment pursuant to this subsection is insufficient to make the apportionment otherwise required by this subsection, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall proportionately reduce the amount so apportioned to each school district and charter school. The Department shall account separately for any money apportioned pursuant to this subsection.


Not later than May 1 of each even-numbered year, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall review and, if necessary, revise the factors used for the equity allocation model adopted for the previous biennium and present the review and any revisions at a meeting of the Legislative Committee on Education for consideration and recommendations by the Committee. After the meeting, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall consider any recommendations of the Legislative Committee on Education and determine whether to include those recommendations in the equity allocation model. Not earlier than July 1 of each even-numbered year, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall adopt the equity allocation model. The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall submit the equity allocation model to the:


Governor for inclusion in the proposed executive budget.


Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau for transmittal to the next regular session of the Legislature.


The Department shall make available updated information regarding the equity allocation model on the Internet website maintained by the Department.

Source: Section 387.122 — Establishment of basic support guarantees; use, review and revision of equity allocation model to calculate basic support guarantee; Department to make updated information regarding equity allocation model available on Internet website., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-387.­html#NRS387Sec122.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 387.122’s source at nv​.us