NRS 385A.820
Duties of Superintendent of Public Instruction regarding uniform program for collection, maintenance and transfer of data to system.

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Prescribe a uniform program throughout this State for the collection, maintenance and transfer of data that each school district must adopt, which must include standardized software;


Prescribe the data to be collected and reported to the Department by each school district and each sponsor of a charter school pursuant to NRS 385A.810 and by each university school for profoundly gifted pupils;


Prescribe the format for the data;


Prescribe the date by which each school district shall report the data to the Department;


Prescribe the date by which each charter school shall report the data to the sponsor of the charter school;


Prescribe the date by which each university school for profoundly gifted pupils shall report the data to the Department;


Prescribe standardized codes for all data elements used within the automated system and all exchanges of data within the automated system, including, without limitation, data concerning:


Individual pupils;


Individual teachers;


Individual schools and school districts; and


Programs and financial information;


Provide technical assistance to each school district to ensure that the data from each public school in the school district, including, without limitation, each charter school and university school for profoundly gifted pupils located within the school district, is compatible with the automated system of information and comparable to the data reported by other school districts; and


Provide for the analysis and reporting of the data in the automated system of information.

Source: Section 385A.820 — Duties of Superintendent of Public Instruction regarding uniform program for collection, maintenance and transfer of data to system., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-385A.­html#NRS385ASec820.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 385A.820’s source at nv​.us