NRS 360.970
Duty of lead participant to provide records to verify eligibility for transferable tax credits and abatements of taxes

  • repayment of tax credits to which lead participant is not entitled
  • repayment of amount of taxes abated if qualified project becomes ineligible or ceases operation.


The lead participant in a qualified project shall, upon the request of the Office of Economic Development, furnish the Office with copies of all records necessary to verify that the qualified project meets the eligibility requirements for any transferable tax credits issued pursuant to NRS 360.955 and the abatement of any taxes pursuant to NRS 360.965.


The lead participant shall repay to the Department or the Nevada Gaming Control Board, as applicable, any portion of the transferable tax credits to which the lead participant is not entitled if:


The participants in the qualified project collectively fail to make the investment in this State necessary to support the determination by the Executive Director of the Office of Economic Development that the project is a qualified project;


The participants in the qualified project collectively fail to employ the number of qualified employees identified in the certificate of eligibility approved for the qualified project;


The lead participant submits any false statement, representation or certification in any document submitted for the purpose of obtaining transferable tax credits; or


The lead participant otherwise becomes ineligible for transferable tax credits after receiving the transferable tax credits pursuant to NRS 360.900 to 360.975, inclusive.


Transferable tax credits purchased in good faith are not subject to forfeiture unless the transferee submitted fraudulent information in connection with the purchase.


Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter or chapter 361 of NRS, if the lead participant in a qualified project for which an abatement has been approved pursuant to NRS 360.965 and is in effect:


Fails to meet the requirements for eligibility pursuant to that section; or


Ceases operation before the time specified in the agreement described in paragraph (e) of subsection 3 of NRS 360.945,
Ê the lead participant shall repay to the Department or, if the abatement is from the property tax imposed by chapter 361 of NRS, to the appropriate county treasurer, the amount of the abatement that was allowed to the lead participant pursuant to NRS 360.965 before the failure of the lead participant to meet the requirements for eligibility. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 360.232 and 360.320, the lead participant shall, in addition to the amount of the abatement required to be repaid by the lead participant pursuant to this subsection, pay interest on the amount due from the lead participant at the rate most recently established pursuant to NRS 99.040 for each month, or portion thereof, from the last day of the month following the period for which the payment would have been made had the abatement not been approved until the date of payment of the tax.


The Secretary of State may, upon application by the Executive Director of the Office, revoke or suspend the state business license of the lead participant in a qualified project which is required to repay any portion of transferable tax credits pursuant to subsection 2 or the amount of any abatement pursuant to subsection 4 and which the Office determines is not in compliance with the provisions of this section governing repayment. If the state business license of the lead participant in a qualified project is suspended or revoked pursuant to this subsection, the Secretary of State shall provide written notice of the action to the lead participant. The Secretary of State shall not reinstate a state business license suspended pursuant to this subsection or issue a new state business license to the lead participant whose state business license has been revoked pursuant to this subsection unless the Executive Director of the Office provides proof satisfactory to the Secretary of State that the lead participant is in compliance with the requirements of this section governing repayment.

Source: Section 360.970 — Duty of lead participant to provide records to verify eligibility for transferable tax credits and abatements of taxes; repayment of tax credits to which lead participant is not entitled; repayment of amount of taxes abated if qualified project becomes ineligible or ceases operation., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-360.­html#NRS360Sec970.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 360.970’s source at nv​.us