NRS 340.100
Notice and conduct of hearing by special master.


Immediately after appointment and taking of oath, the special master shall cause notice to be sent by registered or certified mail to all persons who have appeared in the proceedings or to their attorneys of record and to all others having any interest in or lien upon the property sought to be condemned, as shown by the record of the proper county office or offices for the recording of documents pertaining to such real property, and to all guardians ad litem appointed pursuant to the provisions of NRS 340.080, such notice to be addressed to such persons at their respective last known addresses.


The notice shall be substantially in the following form (with the blanks appropriately filled):
[Text not available]
In The District Court For The County Of ................
[Text not available]
To Whom It May Concern:
[Text not available]
Notice is hereby given that ......................... (here insert name of petitioner) has filed a petition in the above court under the Public Works Eminent Domain Law to acquire by condemnation for ......................... (here give brief general description of the public works project for which the land is sought to be acquired), the following-described land: (Here describe the land sufficiently for the identification thereof. Such description may be by use of plat or map).
All persons having an interest in or lien upon the above-described property, for which compensation will be demanded, are hereby notified that all claims or demands for compensation by reason of the taking and condemnation of such property shall be filed in writing with the court before ......................... (here insert date at least 15 days after the date set for the court hearing in the notice specified in NRS 340.070), and shall be deemed waived unless so filed, and that on ......................... a hearing will be held by the special master at ......................... (insert time and place fixed by the court for such hearing in blanks) with respect to:


The amount of compensation to be paid for the property sought to be condemned.


The persons entitled to such compensation.
[Text not available]
Dated the ........ day of ................ A.D.........
[Text not available]
Special master appointed by the court.
[Text not available]


The special master shall also cause a copy of the notice to be posted in conspicuous places on the property sought to be condemned.


After such notice by mailing and posting, the special master, on the date for hearing specified in the notice, shall proceed immediately to hear and determine the question of just compensation for the taking and condemnation of the property and the persons entitled to such compensation. To this end, the special master may issue subpoenas, administer oaths to witnesses, and receive evidence and cause same to be recorded.

Source: Section 340.100 — Notice and conduct of hearing by special master., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-340.­html#NRS340Sec100.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 340.100’s source at nv​.us