NRS 338.535
Public body to provide notice concerning progress payments and retainage payments to certain subcontractors and suppliers.

Within 5 working days after a public body receives a written request from a subcontractor or supplier of the contractor with respect to a contract which has not been fully performed, the public body shall notify the subcontractor or supplier in writing of the following:


The date the public body made a specified progress payment or retainage payment to a contractor;


Whether the public body has paid the entire amount of a specified progress payment or retainage payment to the contractor; and


The amount withheld by the public body from a specified progress payment or retainage payment to the contractor, if any.
Payments Made by Contractor to Subcontractors and Suppliers

Source: Section 338.535 — Public body to provide notice concerning progress payments and retainage payments to certain subcontractors and suppliers., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-338.­html#NRS338Sec535.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 338.535’s source at nv​.us