NRS 304.240
Issuance by Governor of election proclamation precludes holding of primary election

  • nomination of candidates
  • placement of names of candidates on ballot
  • conduct of election
  • application of general election laws
  • exception.


If the Governor issues an election proclamation calling for a special election pursuant to NRS 304.230, no primary election may be held.


Except as otherwise provided in this section, a candidate must be nominated in the manner provided in chapter 293 of NRS and must file a declaration of candidacy with the appropriate filing officer and pay the filing fee required by NRS 293.193 within the time prescribed by the Secretary of State pursuant to NRS 293.204, which must be established to allow a sufficient amount of time for the mailing of election ballots.


A candidate of a major political party is nominated by filing a declaration of candidacy with the appropriate filing officer and paying the filing fee required by NRS 293.193 within the time prescribed by the Secretary of State pursuant to NRS 293.204.


A minor political party that wishes to place its candidates on the ballot must file a list of its candidates with the Secretary of State not more than 46 days before the special election and not less than 32 days before the special election.


To have his or her name appear on the ballot, an independent candidate must file a petition of candidacy with the appropriate filing officer not more than 46 days before the special election and not less than 32 days before the special election.


Except as otherwise provided in NRS 304.200 to 304.250, inclusive:


The election must be conducted pursuant to the provisions of chapter 293 of NRS.


The general election laws of this State apply to the election.

Source: Section 304.240 — Issuance by Governor of election proclamation precludes holding of primary election; nomination of candidates; placement of names of candidates on ballot; conduct of election; application of general election laws; exception., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-304.­html#NRS304Sec240.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 304.240’s source at nv​.us