NRS 278B.150
Capital improvements advisory committee: Establishment

  • designation of planning commission
  • duties.


Before imposing an impact fee, the governing body of the local government must establish by resolution a capital improvements advisory committee. The committee must be composed of at least five members.


The governing body may designate the planning commission to serve as the capital improvements advisory committee if:


The planning commission includes at least one representative of the real estate, development or building industry who is not an officer or employee of the local government; or


The governing body appoints a representative of the real estate, development or building industry who is not an officer or employee of the local government to serve as a voting member of the planning commission when the planning commission is meeting as the capital improvements advisory committee.


The capital improvements advisory committee shall:


Review the land use assumptions and determine whether they are in conformance with the master plan of the local government;


Review the capital improvements plan and file written comments;


Every 3 years file reports concerning the progress of the local government in carrying out the capital improvements plan;


Report to the governing body any perceived inequities in the implementation of the capital improvements plan or the imposition of an impact fee; and


Advise the local government of the need to update or revise the land use assumptions, capital improvements plan and ordinance imposing an impact fee.

Source: Section 278B.150 — Capital improvements advisory committee: Establishment; designation of planning commission; duties., https://www.­leg.­state.­nv.­us/NRS/NRS-278B.­html#NRS278BSec150.

Last Updated

Feb. 5, 2021

§ 278B.150’s source at nv​.us